Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Missionaries :)

The reason I haven’t blogged in a while is that I’ve been having the best couple of months ever! Two mission teams came. The first from Lee University, they stayed for 10 weeks. The other was the family and friends of a missionary already here, Dana. They were both SUPER fun!!

Letitia and Me
Audra and Me
The first team, Audra, Erica, and Letitia came and did all kinds of fun stuff!  First they did a VBS every Saturday. Next they had an English class for anyone who wanted to attend every Tuesday and Thursday.  We translated for it all, and don’t get me started on how hard it was. It was cool, though. I had sooo much fun with them and made three new best friends! They were AMAZING and so cool! I already miss them!

Erica and Me
The other team, Ashley, Angie, Tarah, Ryan, and Austin were also REALLY COOL!!! They came and painted the playground, painted the school room, taught a class for 10 days (the whole time they were here) and got loved by the kids as well.  They did sports and field days. We also translated for them. They were so much fun! And as always, the worst part is when they leave. I had so much fun with all of them! I hope God will permit us to see again sometime. I had such a great time. Thanks for coming, teams!
